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Hiring Staff - The Dos and Don’ts

Are you a new business owner looking to grow your team? While the world of recruitment can be overwhelming, the good news is there are countless resources available to help you get it right.
Hiring Staff - The Dos and Don’ts

When hiring, the first thing you need to do is confirm the type of role you are looking to fill.

Are you looking for full time staff or a contractor to work on a particular project? Perhaps you need part time staff member to run your social media pages?

Whatever your needs are, it is critical that you recruit the right person for the role. At the end of the day, recruitment can be a costly and time consuming process. If done correctly, the benefits will outweigh your time and effort, but remember, the wrong hire will have lasting consequences.

Keep the following in mind when hiring:

Write a good job ad.

Know what you’re looking for and communicate the role clearly to potential candidates. This will help you attract the right person. Remember to carefully word your ad, include keywords that tie in with your company culture, and be careful not to use any language that could be considered discriminatory.

Get Help.

Depending on the level of employee you’re hiring you might want to consult with an agency to help you find the right candidate. This will cost you, so make sure your business can afford it.

Advertise on the right platforms.

Your company website, Seek, and Linkedin will all attract a high volume of job seekers. You may also want to consider local newspapers, trade publications and even word of mouth.

Check references.

Once you’ve narrowed your candidate pool down, ask for at least one referee from each candidate. Interviews are intense experiences. Reference checks may show candidates in a different light.

Don’t underestimate company culture.

Make sure whoever you hire fits in with your company culture. If you already have a few employees try and imagine how a new recruit will fit in with the team. You may interview candidates with the desired level of experience, but do they have the right attitude? Are they a team player? Will they lift the mood or be a detriment to team morale?

Know the law.

This includes employers and employees rights. Are they legally allowed to work in Australia? Are you paying them correctly?

Set expectations.
Make sure their role is clearly outlined and expectations are set from the outset

With that said, good luck and happy hiring.

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