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New Year, New Loan

July 14, 2017 by Rebecca Crommelin

Well, a new financial year is officially upon us and we are so excited! Now I’m not sure about you, but for us, we love using the beginning of a new year to evaluate, re-set and re-boot our goals – both business and personal.

For many of our clients, a new financial year often signals the opportunity to start fresh by reviewing their current situation, setting new goals and aspirations, and start taking action. And we are always here to help put them on the right path to achieving this!

So, perhaps you too could benefit from re-assessing your current situation and goals to find out whether they need refreshing or whether you are still on track to reaching them – it’s very important to review where you at.

Luckily, our team offers a Free Loan Health Check – so we can review your home, business or car loan – to ensure that your finances are on the right track.

We can also help you to map out the necessary steps you need to take to achieve your goals. Whether it be to purchase an investment property, upgrade your home, renovate your home, buy a new car or even expand your business. Our team can offer expert advice to help guide and assist you towards your end goal.

In fact, just yesterday, a client of ours visited the office for their Free Home Loan Health Check to see if they could save money. Their current home loan amount is $511,000 and they have a current interest rate of 4.84%. After reviewing their loan, we identified that we could reduce their interest rate to 3.79% which gives savings of $315 per month or $3,780 per year.

On the average sized home loan of $370,000, that savings would equate to $2,736 per year. If you have current car loans, personal loans, credit cards or insurances – this same Health Check could also help you to save money on those financial aspects.

And just think about how these savings could help fast-track you to your next goal - whether it be taking a holiday, renovating your home, buying an investment property or even a brand new car… every little bit counts!


Take a look at the questions below – if you answer yes to any of them, then you could benefit from our Free Home Loan Health Check.

  • Are you dissatisfied with the service provided by your current lender?
  • Have your circumstances changed since you first took out your loan?
  • Are you thinking about buying an investment property?
  • Do you want to pay off your home loan sooner or reduce your payments?
  • Are you considering any home renovations this year?
  • Are there any other reasons that you may wish to top up your home loan (such as buying a new car, or taking a holiday?)


Chat to our team at Mortgage Choice on 9485 0090 to book your Free Home Loan Health Check today. 

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