Moving house: What you need to know
The time has come for you to pack up all of your things and transfer them from one property to another. It sounds easy enough, right?
Unfortunately, what seems like a straightforward process can often turn into a huge hassle, due to unplanned interruptions and a shortage of time.
Avoid the moving mayhem by following a few words of experienced advice.
Overestimate on time and cost
Often is the case where a property owner sells their home before they find, or are able to move into one – making the transition a little bit tricky.
Move-in dates can be tough to nail down sometimes, especially if the house is a new build.
The best approach is to budget an estimate of time and money you think you will need to get from one place to another and then add 20 per cent to both.
Sometimes it is simply impossible to plan for everything – especially when there are other factors involved, such as permits, lawyers and other housing-related influences.
No one is keen to take on two mortgages at one time, so you may wish to take out a bridging loan to cover you during the interim and avoid the financial balancing act.
Ask for a helping hand
Moving is a much bigger commitment than it seems at first glance. You need to pack, move your life’s contents, clean up after yourself and unpack.
It is recommended that you pull together your friends and family to help you out – giving them plenty of notice – or hire a company to take on the task.
Going it alone can set you up for many days of pain and frustration – ask for help before that happens.
It is also wise to seek financial advice – mortgage brokers are well-versed in the requirements of moving and could help you navigate the path towards your new home.