How do you take care of your customers?
It might sound obvious, but can you say you consistently offer amazing service to your customers? We are often so focused on getting new business that our existing customers are neglected. So what can you do to ensure your current buyers are engaged and happy?
Start by identifying your best customers. These might be repeat buyers or those who’ve been with you for a long time. Or perhaps they’re the biggest spenders or the clients who pay on time, every time. Next, think about how you can look after them, reward them or make them feel special.
As we know, there are many businesses that follow a loyalty type of system but there are that many doing them now, the novelty has worn off. So what else can you do to keep them happy and keep them spending money with you and not your competitors?
It’s all about knowing your people and figuring out the best way to truly connect with them. What do they value; how do they feel; what makes them happy; what do they stand for; and then how can you and your products or services tap into all of this? If they’ve bought from or worked with you already, you’re one step ahead and the chances are you’re already doing something right. How can you build on that?
You don’t need to spend a lot of money to make your customers feel special. Often, it really is the thought that counts. A kind or simple gesture can say so much. So, what can you do to make your own customers feel good and appreciated?