Achieving your savings target
Saving for a deposit can be a daunting prospect when that final figure seems so large. Our savings calculator can help you to break down the weekly, fortnightly or monthly savings required to reach your goal. We also factor in any potential interest that could be earned on your savings throughout the period.
The calculator will ask you your savings target and how quickly you wish to reach your goal. By taking into account the interest you could be earning on your savings account, our calculator will give you an estimate of how much you need to be contributing to each instalment to enable you to meet your savings goal.
It’s always good to get on the ball early and start discussions with a mortgage broker while you’re in the saving phase. A broker who knows you and your financial situation well will be able to assess your ability to service a loan and help find the right home loan for you when the time comes. Get in contact with a Mortgage Choice expert today to help set out your savings goals and work towards buying your property.