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James Waters

Refinancing | Mortgage Broker Surrey Hills, Camberwell, Canterbury, Glen Iris & Surrounds

Have a feeling you're not getting the best deal? Whether it's your home or investment property, we're here to help.  

Refinancing your loan

Contrary to popular belief, refinancing doesn’t have to be a difficult or expensive process, especially when you work with us. We will handle every step so that you don’t have to worry, saving you time and stress. Even a small change in your interest rate can have a huge impact to your current cash flow and loan over time, so don't hesitate to contact us for a complimentary review of your current loans. 

The benefits of refinancing

Refinancing has a number of benefits, including some that you may not have considered, such as

  • Shortening your loan term
  • Gaining new features
  • Consolidating multiple debts
  • Reducing your account fees
  • Lowering your interest rate and saving money on repayments

You may be interested in one of these advantages or multiple, but whatever you situation might be, we can assist you to find the right loan to help you access the benefits that you need and want. 

When to consider refinancing 

We recommend reviewing your home loan at least every few years, as it’s important to make sure your loan still fits your financial needs and your lifestyle. You might be surprised at just how much you could improve your loan just by shopping around! You should also think about switching your loan if

  • You have a fixed rate loan that’s about to end
  • Your financial circumstances change
  • You want to access equity
  • You are unhappy with your lender
  • Or if you just want a better deal!

Still not sure whether refinancing will work for you? Book a complimentary loan review with James to examine your current loan and ascertain whether you could be saving money with a new deal. He will help you make an informed decision, including identifying any break fees in your current loan and ensuring that you will come out on top if you should choose to refinance.

Book your loan review

Your guide to refinancing

Download our free guide to refinancing to learn more about the process.

To learn more about refinancing loans, view our guides here or contact us today. 

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