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Josh Sullivan

Protect yourself, your family and your wealth.

If it matters to you, it’s worth protecting. Mortgage Choice does more than help you secure the right home loan. We can also keep you covered with all your insurance needs, whether you're looking to protect your property, your car, or yourself. 

We can help you with:

  •  Life Insurance
    The unexpected is just that, unexpected. You never know what is around the corner. Protecting yourself with life insurance helps your dependants get by financially in the event of your death. Life insurance pays them a lump sum to help protect their lifestyle.

  • Income protection
    In the event of involuntary unemployment, serious illness or injury and death, what is your plan B?

    Your home or property may be your biggest financial asset. Do you know how you (or your family) would meet the mortgage repayments if you lost your job, suffered a serious injury or illness, or even died? If you haven't got a clear plan to protect your mortgage, you're not alone. Most people don't like to think about it – even though they need to. Speak to us today about how we can help.


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Contact your existing broker?

contact-us-broker-1Smoother experience as they have all your information.

contact-us-broker-2Better understanding of your financials to provide tailored advice.

contact-us-broker-3Faster response compared to being matched with a new broker.

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