First-home buyers securing more than a third of loans

First-home buyers are winning the race on securing home loans, pointing to strong demand despite ongoing economic uncertainty dampening the housing market.

Lending indicators data for July published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics on Friday shows new loan commitments for housing rose 3.9% to $30.6 billion during the month.

A total of $18.8 billion was handed out to owner-occupier borrowers, while $11.7 billion was secured by investors.

The latest figures bring the total value of new loan commitments to 26.5% higher than this time last year.

HIA economist Maurice Tapang said the latest statistics on housing finance commitments show home buying confidence is picking up.

“First-home buyers have been resilient in this cycle, with the number of loans issued to this group increasing by a further 0.8% in the month of July to 9,990,” he said.

The figure leaves the number of loans issued in the three months to July to first-home buyers 6.4% higher compared to this time last year, Mr Tapang added.

Loans to first-home buyers accounted for 35.4% of July totals and is now firmly above the historical average of 30%.

“There is this misconception that investors compete with first-home buyers,” Mr Tapang said. “This data shows that the two can both be very active in the market.”