Scam fears: Commonwealth Bank doubles online safety sessions for regional Australians

As Australians continue to be at risk of falling foul of scammers, one big bank is fighting back with a specific incentive to target savers in regional areas.

Investment scams are among the most common in Australia, with Scamwatch data showing a total of $94.1 million has been lost since the start of 2024 alone.

Scams relating to banking, brokers and conveyancing all present a serious threat to property seekers in regional areas hoping to either step on the property ladder or refinance their home.

Of the 601,100 scams reported by Australians last year, the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission noted investment-related cases caused the most harm.

To help combat these statistics and in line with Scams Awareness Week 2024, Commonwealth Bank has pledged to double the number of ‘Staying Safe Online’ education sessions it runs over the next 12 months.

Regional Australians will now have access to more than 400 of its specialist sessions, which doubles the number previously on offer.

The bank will use clubs, community centres and various other venues in regional towns to deliver in-person learning aiming to help savers better identify potential scams.

Sessions will cover how to recognise and avoid common online scams, how to protect personal information, and explain the latest tactics used by cyber criminals.

 “We can leverage our scale to help more regional Australians stay safe,” Commonwealth Bank executive general manager Mark Jones said.

“CBA has a strong commitment to regional Australia.”

Scams Awareness Week is an annual awareness raising campaign delivered by the National Anti-Scam Centre on behalf of the Scam Awareness Network. The theme for 2024 is ‘Share A Story, Stop A Scam’.