Mortgage Choice Ignite: Real home loans for real people

When you take out a Mortgage Choice Ignite home loan you only deal with real people who take the time to understand your unique circumstances.
Mortgage Choice Ignite: Real home loans for real people
Traditional lenders have recently tightened their lending policies, leaving many Australians struggling to secure a home loan to make their homeownership dreams a reality. 
This is where our purpose built Ignite product range comes in.  Our goal is to provide you with a custom-built solution for your unique home loan needs, and we work closely with you to make it happen. 

Why choose an Ignite home loan?

  • Specialist loans for the self-employed 
  • We work with you to repair bad credit history 
  • Fast approval 
  • We take into account life-changing moments that may impact your application
  • Your application is assessed by real people, not a machine algorithm
  • We take the time to understand you
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Three choices to suit your needs

The Mortgage Choice Ignite Prime Home Loan is designed for people who want a flexible home loan solution with a fully transactional offset account that lets you use your income to reduce interest payments. The loan is available as Full Doc or Alt Doc.

Available for purchase or refinance of owner occupied and investment properties (including vacant land). The Ignite Prime Home Loan also allows debt consolidation of up to 4 debts and cash out for acceptable personal purposes.

The Mortgage Choice Ignite Near Prime Home Loan is designed for people who are on the cusp of Prime and may have had a life event that led to credit impairment.

The Near Prime loan provides a flexible home loan solution with a fully transactional offset account that lets you use your income to reduce interest payments. The loan is available for applicants with Full Documentation or Alternate Documentation (i.e Low Doc).

Available for purchase or refinance of owner occupied and investment properties (including vacant land on Full Doc). The Ignite Near Prime Home Loan also allows unlimited debt consolidation, (including payout of ATO debt), and cash out for acceptable purposes including renovations and business use.

The Mortgage Choice Ignite Assist Home Loan is designed for people who may have had a life event that led to credit impairment within the past two years or have had short term self-employment, from 12 months under the Alt Doc product.

The Assist loan provides a flexible home loan solution with a fully transactional offset account that lets you use your income to reduce interest payments. The loan is available as Full Doc or Alt Doc.

Available for purchase or refinance of owner occupied and investment properties. The Ignite Assist Home Loan also allows unlimited debt consolidation, (including payout of ATO debt), and cash out for acceptable purposes including renovations and business use.

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Mortgage Choice Ignite FAQs

Where lenders have refused your application for credit based on the standard lending criteria, or you have a bad credit rating due to past defaults, Part IX or X debt agreements, a discharged bankruptcy, unlimited mortgage arrears within the last 6 months, you may still be eligible for a home loan. 

With Mortgage Choice Ignite or other Non-conforming loan products from specialist lenders, you may be able to obtain approval for a home loan, depending on their assessment of your financial situation. 

Some tips you can use to help improve your credit score include, but are not limited to:

  • Check your credit score with a credit bureau such as Equifax, to give you an understanding of your credit score and whether you need to improve it. 
  • Paying all your utility bills and other debts repayments on time by setting up a direct debit or bill reminder
  • Pay off your debts and close your credit card accounts or consider lowering your credit card limit if possible
  • Limiting the number of applications and enquiries you make for credit as multiple applications in a short amount of time can impact your credit score negatively, and 
  • Work on and stick to a budget to obtain better control of your finances.